Jonathan and I went to his parent's house in Parma this last week. It was Talmage's first visit to his grandparents, and since my parents are coming in a few days we figured we would give both sides an equal amount of time with him. The 5 hour car trip was tough, but its about time we take him somewhere away from home...
And he not only met Grandma and Grandpa Dennett, but also great-Grammy and cousin Ethan!
It worked out great- we had a swell time and just relaxed. Jonathan caught baby kittens and got a new grill and boots. I was treated to a date that involved yummy shakes and walking along the lake. And I drank lots and lots of diet coke.
It was a nice little vacation. But it feels good to be home, to have everything in its place again and to sleep in my own extremely comfortable bed...
For those of you who don't know, our prayers about Jonathan getting a job for the summer have been answered. He will be starting with the Forest Service on June 7th, and he will also have the opportunity to teach a program called "Leave No Trace" with the Bureau of Land Management. So although I will hardly see him for the next 3 months, I feel very blessed and I know he will get some great experience. Honestly we thought he would have to resort to working at Taco Bell.
Being a momma is indescribable. Sometimes it seems like all I do is change poopy diapers and nurse nurse nurse, but every morning I wake up to his sleeping little face by my arm and I know I wouldn't be happier doing anything else. He is seriously the cutest baby in the whole entire world and I know every mom says that so I have the right :) I mean, just look at that face.
Lately he does this thing that really melts my heart. He'll stick his head out and elongate his neck like a turtle, smile really wide and laugh like he is coughing up something. It is so darn cute.
On a last note, I am thrilled for the new arrivals in the ward. One little doll of a boy was just born and I cannot wait to meet him! Another little darling is coming any day now. Both mommas are fantastic and I can't wait for our boys to all be baby buddies. :) And a sweet little bundle was born recently, she's so tiny and precious! A congregation full of babies is a happy one, after all.