Friday, August 17, 2012

6 month-er

I know I said I would take more breaks from the blogging world but I just HAD to post today.

Because our little miss C. turned 6 months old today! WOWZA!

We didn't throw a big party or anything (though I secretly wanted to..) but instead Jonathan let me buy her some new clothes (which she needed anyways..she's growing so fast!) and we all went out to eat. It's been very hot here- in the 100s range- and our apartment has no AC. It's fine in the evening but during the day it gets very sultry and we all sweat our clothes off (soooo glad our complex has a pool!). Today is one of those days. So the idea of going out in a nice cooled restaurant and enjoying a home cooked meal not cooked on my own sauna-inducing stove was very appealing...

 T was tired and didn't want to take pictures :( poor kid. ha ha ...

Some things about our 6 month-er:

~has her mommy's big blue eyes and daddy's spider-leg eyelashes.
~when she meets someone new she instantly likes or dislikes them. Her stranger-anxiety is off the charts.
~grabs her toes every time she lies down on her back.
~rolls and rolls and rolls...
~is a hysterical laugh out loud-er. She laughs the hardest at her brother.
~has the very same cry as she did the day she was born. It is the sweetest cry ever.
~loves sweet potatoes, squash, and bananas.
~takes 3 naps during the day and sleeps through the night like a rock unless she wants to be re-swaddled.
~still takes a bottle every 2 hours. It's a lot of work...and I feel like I'm constantly feeding her. I'm kinda glad I'm not breastfeeding anymore...can you imagine?! I asked the pediatrician about it and she says its actually better for her to eat smaller portions frequently (her bottles are always 4 oz). So we're sticking to it for as long as she likes it this way.
~sits supported by her boppy.
~is so so close to talking. She moves her lips and seems to mouth "dada" but doesn't make noise...we crack up every time.
~as much as I hate it, she is obsessed with the tv. If its on, her eyes are glued. Even if she's preoccupied she will turn her face to the screen, despite the awkward position it puts her neck/body in. what a ham.
~favorite toys are Sophie giraffe and teether fruits. and anything that crinkles (such as the paper on the patient's table).

It's been a wonderful 6 months. C truly completes our family. I am so excited for the coming months and years! Watching your babies grow is by far the most fun thing in the world. :]


Shelley and Eric said...

Love, love, love Charlotte's hair things! Especially the one in the pictures at the top. Did you make it? I want one just like it if we have a girl!

A.S.K. said...

Oh! I love her little headband! It's so cute. She has gotten so big and even more beautiful!