Friday, June 5, 2009

One Fine Day

A few days ago we went our for our first bike ride of the summer. It was the only sunny day of the week that we were both home- so we took off in high hopes! But first, Jonathan had to fix his bike...what a handy man :) Oh yeah, and I got my bike! I was pretty excited :)

It really was a beautiful day, but on the way home it rained again. Ah well.

One thing I neglected to think of was- we live on a hill. And in order to get home one has to ride UP that legs were burning! I am so out of shape. When I got home I collapsed into this position and couldn't move...
It was still a fun afternoon! I would do it again in a heartbeat. <3

1 comment:

Brock said...

It looks like you are drinking from a wine glass? :D