Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas week

We went back to Parma for Christmas this last week. Thankfully Talmage never gets tired of being there- he absolutely loves being on the farm and playing with his cousin Ethan!

He especially loves the new pigmy goats- Wilson, Lulu, and Frodo. The goats really like potato chips and Talmage gets a hoot from feeding them :]

He wasn't sure why the cat didn't want a chip...how rude! haha

He also really likes the "MOO", and shouts his name every time we pull up to the house. The cows aren't as friendly as the goats, and they don't eat out of his hand, but he finds them just as fascinating!

On Christmas Eve we went and looked at the village of lights in the next town. All the lights were LED and so they were VERY brilliant and amazing to see! I cannot even describe how many lights there were...Talmage couldn't stop saying "WOW. OH. wooow!" But it was freezing cold so we all kinda just wanted to make it brief. Luckily our little dude was bundled up in his p&t "snuggle n snooze"- only his nose was cold!

 Christmas day was blissful. Talmage woke up saying "TANTA" (Santa?) and sat right by the tree first thing.
 It's fun that he is at the age where he actually likes pulling stuff out of stockings and opening presents :] It sure makes Christmas morning a lot more entertaining for Jonathan and I! It was so much fun seeing the expressions on his face.

I'm always sad when Christmas is over but I am really looking forward to the new year. Jonathan's new job, new baby, new internship, and new home somewhere. And hopefully I can get back to some things that I enjoy and have been putting off- but that's for another post!

1 comment:

Josh and Sarah Robison said...

I love this! Seeing him in pictures always puts a smile on my face : ) I'm glad you had a happy Christmas